
Top Meditation Courses Online with Descriptions and Prices

The use of meditation has been practiced for thousands of years. Meditation is the act of calming the mind and learning to focus on one thing. It’s a discipline used for developing self-awareness and happiness and can even be used as an alternative to medication. The widespread practice of meditation can divide into two distinct styles: concentration and mindfulness. While different, both styles share similarities in that they require breathing techniques and exercises. This article will discuss top meditation courses online with descriptions and prices

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Online Course

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is a practice that consists of three pieces of training: awareness, acceptance, and compassion. The course teaches you to become aware of thoughts and feelings in the present moment, accept them without judgment, and be compassionate toward yourself. This can help you manage stress, anxiety, pain, and illness. You will also gain a greater sense of well-being. The cost for this course is $595 per person if taken by itself or $795 if taken as part of an online mindfulness retreat package which includes other courses such as Mindful Eating for Optimal Health & Wellness or Mindful Parenting for Optimal Development & Wellbeing.

The MBSR course is a fully online program that lasts eight weeks. You will have access to an online instructor who will guide you through each lesson via video conferencing software. Each week there will be several assignments that need to be completed before the next session begins.

Meditation and The Evolution of Consciousness with Daaji

The Meditation and the Evolution of Consciousness course are taught by Daaji, who is a master of Kundalini Yoga. He teaches how to use meditation in conjunction with yoga to create an intense experience that can help you develop your consciousness.

The course includes:

* A downloadable audio meditation.
* A 30-minute video lecture.
* An online forum where you can ask questions and get feedback from other students.

The course costs USD 200.

Daaji offers another course called Meditation 101: A Course in Mindfulness Meditation. This is a shorter course that teaches the basics of mindfulness meditation and includes an introduction to the different types of meditation and how to use them in everyday life. This course costs USD 97 and includes access to audio files, PDFs, and videos.

The Power of Awareness

The Power of Awareness is a self-paced online course that teaches you how to meditate. It includes 10 hours of video instruction and guided audio meditations.

The course will teach you how to become more aware of what happens in your body, thoughts, emotions, and actions. By becoming more aware of these things, you can make changes in your life that will improve your overall health and well-being.

The Power of Awareness has a five-star rating on Udemy, with over 1,000 reviews from students who have taken the course. The average rating is 4.8 stars out of five stars.

This course is designed specifically for people who want to meditate. It’s broken down into six modules that cover everything from the basics to more advanced techniques. This course also comes with a free eBook that goes into more detail on each topic covered in the course. Discovering Inner Calm costs $299 for lifetime access or $99 per month.

Body and Mind Are One

This course is an introduction to meditation practice, emphasizing bringing mindfulness into your daily life. You will learn how to use meditation in a way that helps you deal with stress, pain, anxiety, depression, and many other problems of living. You will also see how your mind can be used as an ally rather than an enemy. This course is open to anyone new to meditation who wishes to learn more about it.

The Body & Mind Are One course is a guided meditation course that uses a combination of mindfulness and qigong to help students achieve a state of stillness and presence. The course includes ten sessions, each with an audio recording and a PDF transcript. Students are also given access to the course forum to interact with other students and the instructor.

The course costs $99 for lifetime access or $10 per month if you pay monthly.

Waking up With Sam Harris

You are waking Up with Sam Harris. This is one of the most popular meditation courses online and has been rated 4.6 out of 5 stars by over 2,000 reviewers. It costs $129 per month, but there is a free 7-day trial if you want to try it out first.

The course is designed for people new to meditation or who have tried it before and want to learn more about how to apply it to their daily lives. The lessons include video and audio content, as well as written material that explains everything in detail so you don’t have to rely on memory alone when learning something new.

What You Get:

* A personal coach who will guide you through your course
* Over 20 hours of video content and audio lectures
* A downloadable PDF transcript of each lesson so they can be read at any time

Palouse Mindfulness

Palouse Mindfulness is a mindfulness, meditation, and yoga center in Pullman, Washington. They offer a variety of courses and retreats that are designed for both beginners and experienced meditators.

Their most popular course, Discovering Mindfulness Meditation, is taught by their founder, David Michie. This course is available online or in person at the Palouse Mindfulness Center in Pullman, Washington. The online version costs USD 199 with no discounts available; however, there is a money-back guarantee if you don’t feel you’ve gotten your money’s worth. The course includes lessons covering topics such as:

* How to practice mindfulness meditation
* How to deal with distractions during meditation
* Mindfulness during daily life activities

Freeing Ourselves With Mindfulness

This course is an introduction to mindfulness meditation, the practice of paying attention to our thoughts, feelings, and sensations in a non-judgmental way. You will learn to notice and label your experiences with openness and curiosity.

Mindfulness meditation is not about relaxation; it’s about waking up from habitual patterns of thinking, feeling, and acting that cause suffering. Compassionate awareness allows us to see ourselves as we are, which gives us the freedom to change. The regular price for the course is $29.99, but if you catch one of Udemy’s frequent sales, you can buy it for less.

This course has been designed for anyone who wants to learn more about mindfulness and meditation. You do not need any previous experience or qualifications to participate.

Wrapping Up

Taking a meditation course can be an intense experience, but it can also be one of the most rewarding things you’ll ever do. When you work with a skilled instructor, you have the opportunity to gain skills that will last a lifetime. The more time and effort you put into your practice, the more powerful it can be. By taking a meditation course, you will learn much about yourself and the potential for positive change in your life. You’ll learn to take that power back and use it to create a better life for yourself and others.

Different Types of Binaural Beats and Best Frequencies For Meditation Explained

Meditation may have numerous health benefits; including reducing stress and boosting the immune system, but many people find it difficult to get into the right frame of mind with traditional techniques. One way that meditation can be made easier, however, is by using binaural beats to alter the frequencies of your brain waves and stimulate your brain toward specific states of relaxation.

This guide will explain what exactly binaural beats are and how they work in more detail before offering some tips on how you can use them to enhance your practice. Read on to know more in detail to have an overall better understanding!


The introduction of binaural beats into the mainstream consciousness has been a godsend for those who suffer from insomnia, anxiety, and depression. The idea behind binaural beats is that your brainwaves can be manipulated by music to reach certain frequencies, which will in turn induce various states of mind, such as meditation.

This phenomenon was first documented in 1839 by German physicist Heinrich Wilhelm Dove when he discovered that two tones of slightly different frequencies, when played separately to each ear, caused a wavering motion or buzzing sensation known as beta waves. This led scientists to research why this happened and they found that when you stimulate the brain with certain frequencies, you trigger your brainwaves to mimic the same frequency.


The binaural beat runs on two different frequencies; one is lower than 1500 Hz, and the other with less than 40 Hz di The binaural beat appears to the listener as an apparent pulsation. This pulsation is perceived by the brain as a beat.

These beats can be interpreted as the low frequency (less than 1000 Hz) component of the sound – that’s why they’re called binaural beats. The frequency of each tone must be below 1 kHz for you to perceive it in this manner. Binaurals have been used for brain wave entrainment, improved sleep quality, and better physical performance.


Different types of binaural beats can help you to meditate. The most common type of binaural beat used for this purpose is called an alpha wave, which ranges from 8Hz-11Hz. This frequency can help you achieve a relaxed, but awake state of mind. However, there are many other frequencies to choose from as well that are equally effective for meditation.

Some of the frequencies that range from 4Hz-7Hz include delta, theta, and gamma waves. Delta waves have been said to bring on deep relaxation and may be best for people with insomnia or who have trouble sleeping at night because they often produce sleep spindles that cause drowsiness or sleepiness.


There are no reported side effects of binaural beats. Binaural beats can, however, result in an altered state of consciousness that may allow you to access higher levels of awareness. Many people report feeling lightheaded or euphoric after listening to binaural beats for meditation. If you are prone to seizures, pregnant, or suffering from a heart condition or any other medical condition, consult with your doctor before using binaural beats for meditation.

When listening to binaural beats for meditation, you may experience feelings of lightheadedness, euphoria, and heightened creativity. Some people even report increased self-awareness, vivid visions, or changes in their awareness of reality. If you are worried about any of these side effects, however, discuss them with your healthcare provider before using binaural beats for meditation.

You can also try other types of meditation to access different altered states without binaural beats. And if you start feeling unwell after using binaural beats for meditation, stop immediately and seek medical advice from your doctor or emergency room immediately as it could be a sign that you’ve become ill as a result.


To listen to binaural beats, you need a headphone set with earphones that has a left and right channel. The left earphone should have the sound with the lower frequency in it and the right earphone should have the sound with the higher frequency in it.

Put on both earphones, close your eyes and relax. You will notice that one of your ears hears a sound of low frequency and the other one hears a sound of high frequency. As you relax, you will notice that your brain begins to follow these two different frequencies as if they were creating a beat for meditation.


The only right frequency for anyone is the frequency that feels best to them. As everyone’s brain waves are unique, what you might find helpful could be entirely different from what another person needs. It is recommended to try out a few tracks and see how you feel.

You can also experiment with different frequencies to see which ones resonate best with your mind and body. There are so many benefits of binaural beats, so it’s worth experimenting!


When it comes to meditation, there are many different techniques that you can use to achieve the desired state. This list of tips and tricks will provide an overview of the different types of meditation and their benefits:

* MANTRA MEDITATION – With mantra meditation, one repeats a specific word or phrase with the intent of quieting the mind. The best way to do this is through repetition while focusing on your breath. This type of meditation is great for achieving a relaxed state as it allows one to focus on something other than thoughts to release stress.
* MINDFULNESS MEDITATION – Mindfulness meditation involves paying attention in the present moment without judgement.
* TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION (TM) – Transcendental meditation was developed in India as a technique of meditation. During TM, one uses a mantra to focus on breathing and thoughts, which also helps with stress relief.


If you’re looking for an interesting new way to meditate, binaural beats might just be the answer. By listening to various frequencies and types of binaural beats, you can create a personalized meditation experience that works with your brainwaves. Experiment with different combinations of frequencies to find what works best for you!

31 Must Read Books About Meditation and Relaxation with Descriptions and Links To Buy

When it comes to spiritual upliftment, meditation plays a great role. Mediation and mindfulness books help one to understand the basics of spirituality, how to control one’s emotions and mind and how to perform meditation the right way. If you are wondering where to start, this article is the perfect destination for you. We have shared a total of 31 mediation-related books, a short summary of their content and where can you find one.

Read on to find out the top 31 must-read mediation, mindfulness and relaxations books of all time. After doing thorough research we have picked up some of the best choices. While some books you might be familiar with, some you might discover now. These books will not only help you cultivate inner peace but also take you through spirituality. Now let’s start.


Following is the list of books we have selected:

1. HOW TO MEDITATE: BY PEMA CHODRON [https://www.amazon.com/How-Meditate-Practical-Making-Friends/dp/1604079339/] .

Well, this book is certainly for beginners who are having difficulty getting into meditation. The down-to-earth refreshing manner directions and details on how to manage one’s mind are what make the book special.

2. EIGHT MINUTES MEDITATION EXPANDED BY VICTOR DAVICH [https://www.amazon.com/Minute-Meditation-Expanded-Quiet-Change/dp/0399173420]

If you are looking for an easy-to-read yet effective book then this is the one for you. The author explains the concept as “allowing what it is”.

3. MEDIATION FOR BEGINNERS BY JACK KORNFIELD [https://www.amazon.com/Meditation-Beginners-Jack-Kornfield-ebook/dp/B00341851I/]

This book is a guide on how to start your practice step-by-step. The book covers physical sensations, breath work, and how to manage difficult emotions.

4. PRACTICAL MEDIATION FOR BEGINNERS BY DECKER [https://www.amazon.com/Practical-Meditation-Beginners-Happier-Calmer/dp/1641520256/]

This book is an amalgamation of ten simple meditation techniques that help you feel confident from within.

5. MINDFULNESS IN PLAIN ENGLISH BY BHANTE GUNARATANA [https://www.amazon.com/Mindfulness-English-Bhante-Henepola-Gunaratana/dp/0861719069/]

This book covers everything regarding mindfulness starting from how to do it and why to do it. It also includes chapters on how to deal with distractions

6. THE MIND ILLUMINATED [https://www.amazon.com/Mind-Illuminated-Meditation-Integrating-Mindfulness/dp/1501156985/]

This book is a guide to Buddhist mediation. It involves a background in neuroscience and physiology.

7. THE MINDFULNESS WORKBOOK FOR ADDICTION [https://www.amazon.com/Mindfulness-Workbook-Addiction-Addictive-Behaviors/dp/1608823407/]

This book elaborates on several mindfulness techniques to treat cognitive disorders and addictive disorders.

8. WHEREVER YOU GO, THERE YOU ARE BY JON KABAT ZINN [https://www.amazon.com/Wherever-You-There-Are-Mindfulness/dp/1401307787/]

The author’s goal in this book is to make mindfulness accessible to everybody and people of every age.

9. YOU ARE HEREBY THICH NHAT HANH [https://www.amazon.com/You-Are-Here-Discovering-Present/dp/1590308387/]

This 141 paged book says explains various ways to achieve inner peace & happiness. In the final chapter, the author brings everything together and tells how to live every moment.

10. HOW TO TRAIN A WILD ELEPHANT [https://www.amazon.com/How-Train-Wild-Elephant-Mindfulness/dp/1590308174]

This book gives an introduction to exercises, how to start it, how to continue it and how an exercise connects with people.

11. SCIENCE OF BEING & THE ART OF LIVING [https://www.amazon.com/Science-Being-Living-Maharishi-Mahesh-ebook/dp/B0061YCTYE/]

This book explains the concept of Transcendental Meditation, how it originated and what it can help. It’s not a guide to do it as TM can be done only with the help of a teacher.

12. SUPER MIND [https://www.amazon.com/Super-Mind-Performance-Transcendental-Meditation/dp/0399184856/]

The book explains how consistent Transcendental Mediation can change a person from within. This book is again not a guide but an overview of its benefits.

13. TRANSCENDENCE [https://www.amazon.com/Transcendence-Healing-Transformation-Transcendental-Meditation/dp/1585429929/]

The practice here involves some usage of a particular mantra. The primary focus of the book is on TM & its benefits.

14. TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION [https://www.amazon.com/Transcendental-Meditation-Jack-Forem-ebook/dp/B008FQGN70/]

Similar to the above 2 books, this book too describes the author’s experience with TM & the benefits he has achieved in the process.

15. THE TM BOOK [https://www.amazon.com/Transcendental-Meditation-TM-Book-Enjoy/dp/093178302X/]

This bestseller book describes the concept of TM in a humorous light tone. According to the author, this technique is simple, easy and effortless.

16. MANUAL OF INSIGHT [https://www.amazon.com/Manual-Insight-Mahasi-Sayadaw/dp/1614292779/]

This book on Vipassana Meditation gives details about the philosophical foundation of the practice, how to do self-discipline & basic concentration.

17. MINDFULNESS & INSIGHT [https://www.amazon.com/Mindfulness-Insight-Mahasi-Venerable-Sayadaw/dp/1614295379]

The book explores details on mindfulness & insight knowledge. It gives beginners the guide to start.

18. INSIGHT MEDIATION [https://www.amazon.com/Insight-Meditation-Step-step-Meditate/dp/1564559068/]

Through 12 lessons the book gives an overview of how to learn vipassana meditation. The book helps individuals to open up their inner minds.

19. SEEKING THE HEART OF WISDOM [https://www.amazon.com/Seeking-Heart-Wisdom-Meditation-Shambhala/dp/157062805X/]

The book is written for experienced practitioners and gives the readers an elaborate idea about the ideas & practices involved.

20. REALIZING CHANGE [https://www.amazon.com/Realizing-Change-Vipassana-Meditation-Action-ebook/dp/B085XWCLMW]

This book provides insight into the first-hand account of Vipassana practice. The book involves several stories of different practitioners.

21. ZEN MIND AND BEGINNER’S MIND [https://www.amazon.com/Zen-Mind-Beginners-50th-Anniversary-ebook/dp/B086J7X4GV/]

This book on Buddhist Mediation gives you details about Zen practice.

22. THE 3 PILLARS OF ZEN [https://www.amazon.com/Three-Pillars-Zen-Roshi-Kapleau-ebook/dp/B00H129592/]

The writer shares his experience while he was learning & teaching this practice. The book also includes the history and origin of the Zen practice.

23. NO-NONSENSE BUDDHISM FOR THE BEGINNERS [https://www.amazon.com/No-Nonsense-Buddhism-Beginners-Questions-Teachings-ebook/dp/B07C31XJGP/]

This book is written in a Q/A format to answer several questions regarding Buddhist mediation. The entire text is written in a conversational tone.

24. THE RINZAI ZEN WAY [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B076P2GWXN/]

The book describes this practice and helps the readers understand themselves & the universe. The book focuses on Koan practice and disciple.

25. PRACTICAL ZEN [https://www.amazon.com/Practical-Zen-Julian-Daizan-Skinner-ebook/dp/B06W5JZ93D/]

The author provides a sequence of various techniques for Zen practice. Written in an easy-to-understand down-to-earth manner the book is for people of every age group.

26. GUIDED MEDIATION, EXPLORATION & HEALING [https://www.amazon.com/Guided-Meditations-Explorations-Healings-Stephen-ebook/dp/B004CFAZPO/]

Through this book, the author describes & explains the usage of guided mediation. The book also involves describing mediation on releasing, eating & forgiving.

27. WAKE UP TO THE JOY OF YOU [https://www.amazon.com/Wake-Joy-You-Meditations-Practices-ebook/dp/B01DRXCPPE/]

This book is a brief explanation of guided mediation.

28. MAGICAL INNER JOURNEY [https://www.amazon.com/Magical-Inner-Journeys-Self-Discovery-SoulCollage-ebook/dp/B07D991V1R/]

This [particular book is beneficial for different group facilitators. The book helps individuals explore their inner voices.

29. THE HEALING WATERFALL [https://www.amazon.com/Healing-Waterfall-Imagery-Scripts-Counselors-ebook/dp/B01N0KTGNT/]

The primary topics of the book include healing, finding inner peace, sleeping well, overall well-being & insights.

30. GUIDED MEDIATION [https://www.amazon.com/Guided-Meditation-Essential-Practices-Cultivate/dp/B0084E65RG/]

The audiobook mainly emphasizes the sensations, touches and breath. The author’s voice is serene and smooth, perfect for a meditation audiobook.

31. REAL HAPPINESS [https://www.amazon.com/Real-Happiness-Sharon-Salzberg-ebook/dp/B003YL4M3S/]

This kindle bestseller is one of the best options for beginners. The author walks you through twenty-eight days of mediation programs.

27 Best Websites for Free Mp3 Meditation Downloads with Descriptions and Links

Stress has become a norm among many individuals due to stressful and tiresome activities. Stress results in numerous things, such as mental issues, lack of interest in enjoyable activities, family issues, etc. Choosing the appropriate remedy to the stress triggers will be vital to alleviate stress and anxiety.

Experts reveal that meditation mp3 is the best way to alleviate stress by relaxing the muscles and offering peace of mind. With the numerous websites available for downloading meditation mp3, you may find it challenging to find the appropriate one. This article outlines the 27 best websites for free mp3 meditation downloads with descriptions and links.


It’s one of the leading websites where you can get a wide range of free meditation mp3s [https://open.spotify.com/__noul__?] . The wide range of pre-made playlists allows you to choose the appropriate one to help ease your depression and anxiety.


YouTube [https://www.youtube.com/?app] has been a mainstay in mp3 and mp4 downloads. Besides the funny and educative content, the platform provides free downloads for deep and relaxing melodies.

Free Music Archive

It’s an excellent catalog with various creative and relaxing mp3. You can download these free and high-quality music from various genres, including meditation. Free Music Archive rich’s [https://www.freemusicarchive.xn--org-9o0a/] list allows you to choose the appropriate one for your needs.

Tune Pocket

Experts refer to it as a multi-genre library [https://www.tunepocket.xn--com-9o0a/] with various loops, sound effects, and music tracks. You can download mp3s for free and mash them together or compile them to create a high-quality meditation soundtrack.

Pond 5

Besides educative videos, this site is rich in various sound and music effects. The site [https://www.pond5.com/] has a vast list of meditation mp3s you choose for relaxation or alleviating mental issues, such as anxiety.

Zen Radio

Unlike the other sources, Zen Radio [https://zenradio.com/] offers the best alternative for individuals willing to listen to various melodies before compiling them into a file. After compiling it into a file, you can download and listen at your preferred time.

Music of Wisdom

Music of Wisdom [https://musicofwisdom.com/] is home to nature-based sound and cultural melodies. The site lets you download a bundle of meditation music, vital for solo meditators.

Soothing Relaxation

It’s a common and popular site for various soothing and relaxing melodies. Soothing relaxation [https://musicofwisdom.com/] allows the user to download these melodies in different formats, including mp3s.

Zen Mix

Despite not being a completely free website, you can use this website to download your preferred meditating audio. Zen Mix [https://musicofwisdom.com/] provides a wide range of audio for your meditating needs.

Enlightened Audio

It’s a specific website that offers a wide range of appropriate meditation tunes. Enlightened Audio [https://enlightenedaudio.com/] has a wide range of angelic and royalty-free songs great for healing, achieving higher senses, and making yoga fun.

Fesliyan Studios

It’s a direct and clear website offering various free and high-quality royalty tracks. The platform [https://www.fesliyanstudios.com/royalty-free-music/downloads-c/peaceful-and-relaxing-music/22] offers a wide range of options to allow you to choose the right one to alleviate your moods.


Audionautix [https://audionautix.com/] is one of the top sites with royalty-free meditation melodies from Jason Shaw. You can choose these songs to enhance a relaxing, meditative, calm environment.

Reverb Nation

It’s a well-known site for downloading various music, such as pop and meditating melodies. You can consider Reverb Nation as your home of cooling and calming melodies.

Free Binaural

Free Binaural [https://freebinaural.com/free-binaural-beats/] has been home to various soothing and binaural beats vital in meditation and yoga. You can consider the platform for downloading various audio for your meditation session.


Despite being a well-known source of lullabies for babies, you can find the best tracks to relieve your stressful moments. Music Relax [https://freebinaural.com/free-binaural-beats/] offers various options for choosing the one that suits your preferences.


It has been one of the most trending sites for downloading meditating melodies. myNoise [https://freebinaural.com/free-binaural-beats/] has a wide range of tracks, allowing you to choose or download the appropriate one for your calming or soothing effect.

Sleep Phones

Experts reveal that Sleep Phone [https://www.sleepphones.com/products/free-mp3s-cds/free-mp3-downloads] is the best site for relaxing beats and audio tracks. The platform offers various tracks and music to help you focus on relaxing the mind and enhancing good moods.

Gaia Meditation

It’s one of the best sources of binaural beats and meditation-related music [https://www.gaiameditation.com/free-binaural-beats/] . Composers and artists generate the best tracks or melodies you can download for your relaxing effects.

Guided Meditation Site

It’s one of the popular sites where you can get free meditation melodies and binaural beats. Guided meditation sites [https://www.the-guided-meditation-site.com/] provide a wide range of options, allowing you to make the appropriate choice.

Super Learning Music

It’s a popular and high-quality platform [https://superlearningmusic.com/super-learning-music-free-sample-download-page/] offering various tracks that helps provide the best soothing and calming tracks. You can choose your preferred genre from the wide alternative available.


SoundCloud [https://soundcloud.com/] is an incredible platform for music enthusiasts, providing a wide range of music for free. You can get the best meditating tunes for free from SoundCloud.


It’s a popular website with various tracks and music from numerous creators worldwide. For instance, you can consider Jamendo [https://www.jamendo.com/] a source of soothing and relaxing melodies.

Amazon Music

Since 2007, Amazon music [https://music.amazon.com/] has been home to various melodies and tunes. You can find a wide range of tracks, ranging from obscure Indie tracks to classical tracks and even meditating themes to suit your different needs.


This free website offers a great place where various artists upload their best works. With the wide variety of music categories, you can download your preferred mp3 free at SoundClick [https://www.soundclick.com/] .


Experts reveal that it’s one of the unique sites offering the best experience for listening to and downloading various mp3 music. Bandcamp [https://bandcamp.com/] allows you to choose the appropriate piece for your calming and soothing effect.

Noise Trade

NoiseTrade [https://www.pastemagazine.com/noisetrade/music/] boasts a wide selection of the best mp3 genres to keep you entertained and soothe your relaxation. You can use the platform to allow you access to various audio tracks and tune for meditation and yoga.


Unlike the other mp3 streaming and downloading websites, Audiomack [https://audiomack.com/] offers the best 100% legal and free mp3s. You can easily stream and download various genres, including meditation themes,

Final Thoughts

Meditation tracks offer the best ways to relax and calm your mind. You can easily stream or download meditating melodies from various websites and platforms. With the numerous options available, you might find it daunting to choose the appropriate ones. Above is a list of top websites for free and downloads of meditations mp3.

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